Honey is produced through the work of honeybees, gathering nectar from flowers, resulting in a completely natural composition. However, due to its sweet taste, many people wonder whether using honey will lead to weight gain. Let's clarify this issue by exploring the information in the following article.
I. Nutritional analysis of honey's components
In addition to sourcing honey from the wild, honey can also be obtained by beekeeping using natural methods to produce the finest pure honey products. However, whether it's honey from beekeeping or wild honey, they both have the same fundamental nutritional components.
Honey's primary components are fructose and glucose
The main component of honey is sugar, but its calorie content is significantly higher compared to regular refined sugars. Additionally, honey contains carbohydrates along with various vitamins and essential minerals for the body, such as iron, zinc, and potassium.
II. Does honey cause weight gain?
Based on the nutritional analysis mentioned above, honey contains a substantial amount of sugar, which means it can store fat effectively. On average, one tablespoon of natural honey provides about 17.3 grams of carbohydrates with 64 calories, while one tablespoon of sugar contains 49 grams of calories.
Moreover, honey has a high water content. The fructose content accounts for 38.5%, while glucose accounts for about 31%. Therefore, apart from its potential to cause weight gain, honey can also be effective for weight loss. Therefore, depending on your goals, you can apply honey in ways suitable for weight gain or weight loss.
III. Natural ways to gain weight with honey at home for skinny individuals
Using weight gain supplements may cause water retention and have many adverse effects on health. Therefore, if you are underweight and want to gain weight safely through natural methods, you can try the following honey-based weight gain techniques, which have been successfully employed by many people:
1. Combining honey with egg yolks
How to combine natural honey with egg yolks to gain weight
Egg yolks are highly nutritious and, when combined with natural honey, create a nutritious mixture that can effectively aid in weight gain. You should use locally sourced eggs instead of industrially-farmed eggs since locally sourced eggs are more fragrant, easier to consume, and have more nutrients.
The process is straightforward: first, prepare two eggs and two tablespoons of honey, a spoon, and a small bowl. Break the eggs, separate the yolks into the bowl, and set aside the egg whites for other dishes as desired. Add two tablespoons of honey to the egg yolks in the bowl. Next, cover the bowl with egg and honey and let it sit for 30-60 minutes for the honey to thicken the egg yolks.
Finally, beat the mixture thoroughly and consume it all. Be patient and perform this process daily, and your weight will surely improve. Note that once you reach your desired weight, you should stop this method to avoid being overweight and obese.
2. Drinking warm honey water in the morning
Morning is the time when the body best absorbs nutrients. Therefore, prepare a nutritious breakfast when aiming for safe weight gain. Besides eating breakfast regularly, you can drink a cup of honey mixed with warm water every morning.
Alternatively, you can also drink honey with warm water about 20-30 minutes before bedtime. Rest assured that your weight will increase rapidly. Moreover, you don't have to worry about water retention.
Consume honey with warm water every morning to achieve your desired weight
3. Ginger, eggs, and honey help with rapid weight gain
Honey, ginger, and eggs are all readily available ingredients that can effectively help you gain weight at home. However, you need to pay attention to purchasing natural honey, genuine honey, to ensure safety for your health.
You will need 2 local chicken eggs, 3 tablespoons of honey, and a small piece of fresh ginger. Wash and peel the ginger, then cut it into small shreds. Next, break the eggs and separate the egg yolks into a bowl, add 3 tablespoons of honey, and put the prepped ginger shreds in. Steam the mixture for about 5-10 minutes, take it out, and consume it while it's hot to avoid the egg yolks becoming fishy when cooled.
Regular consumption of this dish not only helps with effective weight gain but also provides pain relief and anti-inflammatory benefits for the body. Especially during the winter, ginger, and honey will help warm your body and protect you from coughs and colds due to weather changes.
4. Honey and fresh milk for weight gain
Fresh milk contains a lot of protein and fat, combined with calorie-rich honey, it creates a perfect weight gain mixture. If you want to escape from being underweight quickly and achieve a well-proportioned body, follow the instructions below.
In the morning and before bedtime, for about 30 minutes, mix 1 glass of fresh milk with about 2-3 tablespoons of honey and drink it all. Regularly do this daily for 2-3 months, and you will gain 3-4 pounds.
Honey and fresh milk make a perfect combination to help gain weight quickly
However, whenever you feel that you have reached your desired weight, stop drinking this mixture. Since this is a natural weight gain method, even when you stop, your weight is sure not to decrease.
5. Weight gain with eggs, honey, and lemon
Another effective way many underweight individuals have successfully applied is by combining chicken eggs, honey, and lemon juice. Separate the egg yolks and put them in a glass, add boiling water and 3 tablespoons of honey, and stir until the egg yolks dissolve completely in the water. Let the mixture cool for about 5 minutes, then squeeze 1/4 lemon into it and drink it all.
You should persistently drink this every morning to achieve the best weight gain results. Also, many cases have experienced bitterness when squeezing lemon into the mixture while the water is still hot. Therefore, you should add lemon when the mixture is warm and not let it cool down because the egg yolks will become fishy.
Gaining weight with eggs, honey, and lemon
In addition to applying honey-based weight gain methods, you also need to pay attention to building proper eating and living habits that promote weight gain while ensuring good health. Once you reach your desired weight, you need to know how to maintain your ideal shape to avoid obesity or overweight.
IV. Does consuming too much honey cause heaviness?
Many people have wondered whether regular consumption of honey causes heaviness. According to nutrition experts, although honey is primarily composed of sugars, it consists of simple sugars, which are completely different from industrial sugars and do not cause heaviness, as some people mistakenly believe.
In reality, some people experience conditions such as acne, mouth sores, etc., but the main cause is the combination of honey with ingredients that cause heaviness, such as ginger, turmeric, garlic, etc. Additionally, heatiness can also be caused by fake honey or honey adulterated with excessive chemical sugars. Therefore, choosing a reputable and quality honey supplier is crucial.
V. Points to note when using and storing genuine honey
Using and storing honey correctly ensures the quality of honey and the health of consumers. Therefore, you should note the following points:
Things to keep in mind when using and storing pure honey
- Temperatures above 60 degrees Celsius will break down the structure of honey and deplete many nutrients. So, you should only mix genuine honey with warm water, not boiling water.
- Store honey in glass containers with tight lids. Avoid storing honey in metal containers as natural honey is slightly acidic and can cause chemical reactions.
- Choose dry and well-ventilated places for storing honey, but avoid refrigerating it because it may cause honey to crystallize.
- Do not exceed consuming 100 grams of honey per day as excessive consumption may lead to the body's inability to absorb all the nutrients, potentially causing mild diarrhea and not being beneficial for digestion.
- For children under 2 years old, avoid using honey as it may pose a risk of dangerous Botulism poisoning.
- Avoid combining honey with certain foods such as carp, tofu, soy milk, rice, tofu pudding, tao pho (soybean curd), cinnamon, horseshoe crab, and crab as they may cause poisoning and have many negative effects on health.
- Always choose to buy honey from reputable and quality suppliers, such as "IVY HONEY."
VI. Conclusion
Through this article, you surely have found the answer to the question of whether honey helps in gaining weight and effective, safe ways to gain weight at home using honey. Additionally, if you have any further questions or concerns regarding honey-related issues, please leave a comment below this article, and we will quickly support and provide answers as soon as possible.