I. What is VietGAP measurement standard?
VIETGAP for beekeeping or VietGAHP for animal husbandry was established and issued by the Livestock Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, on November 10, 2015, according to Decision No. 4653/QD-BNN-CN.
VIETGAP (Vietnamese Good Agricultural Practice) is a set of standards/practices for good agriculture in Vietnam. For the beekeeping sector, besides the term VIETGAP, the term VietGAHP (Vietnam Good Animal Husbandry Practices) is also used.
For the cultivation sector, the VIETGAP regulations are issued in the form of National Technical Standards (TCVN), while for the animal husbandry sector, the VIETGAP regulations are issued in the form of Good Animal Husbandry Practices, authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture (not yet issued as National Technical Standards). However, the criteria of VIETGAP for animal husbandry are harmonized with ASEANGAP and reference other GAP standards worldwide such as GlobalG.A.P (international), JGAP (Japan), and ChinaGAP (China).
II. Why does Ivy Honey choose VietGAHP as the beekeeping standard on the farm?
Since its inception in 2019, Ivy Honey has expanded from 2000 beekeeping boxes on the farm to over 9000 by 2022, a remarkable number that demonstrates the company's position in the market.
The bee species that Ivy's farms take care of is Apis mellifera ligustica, also known as Italian honeybee. This bee species produces high-quality honey with high yields. In European and American countries, Italian honeybees have been raised for a long time. In Vietnam, this bee species was introduced around 1970 and has now become the main honeybee species for export.
Ivy Honey's farms are concentrated in quiet mountainous areas with suitable weather, soil conditions, and large areas, which are suitable for the distribution of bee colonies. The material region has many flower species and is less affected by human activities. Most importantly, it must be far from polluted factories to create an ideal environment for bees to thrive, develop, and produce quality honey.
The advantages of Ivy Honey's farms are that they have built a beekeeping model following VietGAHP standards using advanced hive management techniques, minimizing disturbances to bee colonies during harvesting. Non-GMO criteria - no genetic modification, no antibiotics, and no residual plant protection agents in beekeeping. Thanks to this, bees have good living conditions for natural growth and development. From there, they create fragrant and safe honey products, and customers can use them with complete peace of mind.
III. Licensing unit for Ivy Honey
GOOD VIETNAM is the certification organization designated by the Ministry of Science and Technology. The certification certificate is designated and recognized nationwide through the logo and certification mark.
Link: https://goodvietnam.vn/
You can also check on the VietGAHP electronic information portal.
Link: http://www.vietgap.com/