Non-GMO in honey production farming

Non-GMO in honey production farming

What is Non –GMO?

Non-GMO stands for Non-Genetically Modified Organisms, which refers to organisms that have not undergone genetic modifications. In food production, the Non-GMO method involves several differences compared to conventional methods.

Non-GMO foods encompass those that are not genetically modified

Non-GMO crop cultivation can take various forms, but it does not involve genetic modifications. The seeds used may be from traditional crops, and farmers can still use fertilizers, chemicals, and growth hormones.

In the case of animals, farmers can feed them with non-genetically modified food, but the resulting products must be safe and free from genetic modifications for consumers.

One key aspect that distinguishes the Non-GMO method is the rigorous monitoring and inspection of all stages. From the initial seed selection to close to the harvest, strict attention is paid to ensure safety and product quality.

Renowned medical research conducted by leading scientists has confirmed that the Non-Genetically Modified Organisms cultivation method is safe and poses minimal health risks due to the absence of genetic modifications.

Furthermore, products from Non-GMO cultivation are known for their delicious taste and high nutritional value. As a result, non-genetically modified foods are often the top choice for consumers.

 What is the Non-GMO index in honey production?

What is the Non-GMO index in honey production?

In honey production, many households and beekeeping farms have adopted the Non-GMO method to create the best honey products. This approach involves natural honey production without genetic modifications, ensuring the highest nutritional content for consumers.

When implementing Non-GMO in honey beekeeping, the plants the bees collect honey from must be cultivated without genetic modifications and without the use of pesticides.

Moreover, careful selection of bee breeds and avoiding the use of antibiotics during their care contribute to the bees' natural, safe, and healthy growth, free from diseases.

If the Non-GMO index in honey production reaches 100%, it ensures the production of high-quality honey with valuable nutrients, completely free from genetic modifications and safe for consumers. Therefore, this type of honey is highly recommended for consumption or as a suitable gift option.

How to identify Non-GMO honey

Choosing Non-GMO honey products is the optimal choice for consumers. However, not everyone knows how to identify these honey products correctly.

The most accurate methods to recognize Non-GMO honey

  • When purchasing any honey product that has been processed, packaged, and sealed, there will be a barcode on the packaging. This barcode represents the code for identifying Non-GMO honey products.
  • Honey products that have the potential for genetic modification (GMO) will have a barcode that starts with the number 8.
  • Natural honey products harvested from forests or produced using conventional methods will have barcodes starting with the number 9. This represents the highest nutritional content.
  • Honey products classified as Non-Genetically Modified Organisms will have barcodes starting with the numbers 2, 3, or 4. Additionally, if the barcode starts with the number 3, it indicates that the honey has been treated with ionizing radiation.

Key quality indices for evaluating honey

To accurately evaluate honey products, consider the following scientific indices:


Honey with a water content lower than 19% is of good quality. Natural honey typically has a water content ranging from 22% to 24%, but honey processing companies will reduce the water content through honey dehydration to achieve a bright, thick, and guaranteed honey product.

Honey with a water content higher than 19% may undergo fermentation, become acidic, and lose its taste, while also lacking beneficial nutrients for the body. Moreover, such honey has a shorter shelf life and is less favored in the market.

Key indices to consider when evaluating honey quality

HMF (Hydroxymethylfurfural)

Honey contains a high fructose sugar content, which can produce a substance called Hydroxymethylfurfural when exposed to high temperatures. This index helps consumers determine the storage time and the total heat exposure of the honey.

For honey intended for export, companies often require the HMF level to be below 10 or a maximum of 15 mg/kg to extend the honey's shelf life before reaching customers.

Pure honey that undergoes storage, packaging, display, and sale may have an HMF content of up to 40 mg/kg, which meets the standard for good honey quality.

However, this index is often not of concern to consumers in hot climates like Vietnam, as during the summer, the environmental temperature can reach 37-40 degrees Celsius, causing the HMF content in honey to reach 100mg/kg. On the other hand, some other countries have established threshold limits for HMF levels in imported honey products

HMF helps buyers understand the total heat exposure that the honey has undergone

MGO (Methylglyoxal)

MGO is a chemical present in honey, specifically methylglyoxal. This compound is naturally produced when glucose is formed in honey and serves to ensure the health of all cells and tissues in honey.

Products with a 100% MGO level are high-quality honey with strong antibacterial and antiviral properties, thanks to the potent activity of methylglyoxal.

When bees collect nectar, methylglyoxal is transferred to honey and remains unchanged in its original state. Dietary methylglyoxal found in Manuka honey is not broken down by heat, light, or body fluids, as enzymes in the bees' bodies contribute to its preservation.

Non - GMO (Non - Genetically Modified Organisms)

As mentioned earlier, honey with a high Non-GMO index is preferred by many customers because it has a low genetic modification level, which is beneficial for human health, maintaining good genes, and not disrupting cell structures in the body. Thus, Non-GMO honey is considered the top choice by experts.- The process of breeding bees for natural honey, ensuring safety and high quality.

The process of raising bees to produce natural honey, ensuring safety and high-quality

The process of raising bees to produce natural honey, ensuring safety and high-quality

To obtain high-quality honey products that are non-genetically modified and free from harmful chemicals, beekeeping units that produce natural honey typically follow organic methods and comply with the National Organic Standards TCVN 11041:2015, which are equivalent to the international organic standards Codex "CAC/GL 32-1999, Rev. 2013."

Principles to be observed when safely raising bees for honey production

  • Beekeeping for honey production plays an important role in improving the environment and agricultural production through pollination activities and honey production.
  • Handling and managing honeybee colonies must adhere to strict principles of organic farming.
  • The bee foraging area must be sufficiently extensive to provide adequate and accessible sources of proper nectar and pollen.
  • There must be enough natural sources of nectar, sweet liquid, and pollen, preferably from organic crops or wild plants in their natural habitat.
  • Ensuring the good health of bees is essential, based on disease prevention through selecting appropriate breeds, providing favorable environments, balanced nutrition, and suitable beekeeping practices.
  • Basic beehives made from natural materials minimize environmental pollution or contamination of honeybee products.
  • When placing beehives in wild areas, the beekeeper should consider the local insect population to implement effective disease prevention methods and protect the honey from insect attacks, ensuring honey quality.

Determining the beehive placement area

Determining the beehive placement area

The following conditions should be ensured when determining the location for beehives:

  • The terrain should be open, quiet, and away from heavy human traffic.
  • Avoid placing beehives near sugar mills, chemical factories, or facilities processing fruit products.
  • Avoid large bodies of water surrounding the area.

Making beehives

Beehives are considered the home of the bee colony; therefore, preparing good-quality beehives is crucial for achieving the highest honey production results.

The design of mobile beehives facilitates honey harvesting and is suitable for the biological characteristics of honeybees, making them more popular among beekeeping farms.

Careful care for honeybee colonies

Honeybee colonies are the skilled workers that produce honey, so it is essential to take good care of their health. Honeybees thrive and grow best at temperatures between 33 to 35 degrees Celsius and humidity levels of 60 - 80%.

Therefore, beekeepers should not expose honeybee colonies to direct sunlight or place hive entrances facing west. Avoid overcrowding the bee colonies. It is advisable to provide water trays inside the beehives during hot days. Bees should be fed until honey caps are sealed, indicating ripe honey.

How to care for healthy honeybee colonies to increase honey production

During winter, beekeepers can use straw, paper mulberry leaves, dried banana leaves, etc., as insulating materials for beehives placed outdoors or on top of frames. Additionally, beekeepers should seal any gaps in the beehive and avoid placing hive entrances facing north. If there is excessive dryness, beekeepers can offer bees water mixed with a little salt (9/1000).

During honeybee rearing for honey production, regularly inspecting and maintaining the best queen bees for each colony is crucial. Queens should be replaced at intervals of 6 - 9 months. Queen bee rearing should be done during times of abundant nectar flow and natural pollen.

Creating new queen bee

A basic honeybee colony should consist of several generations of worker bees and several generations of eggs and bee larvae. The number of worker bees should cover the honeycomb entirely in the morning. Based on the ratio of eggs, larvae, and bees, one can assess the quality of the bee colony.

The ideal ratio of age days for eggs, larvae, and bees is 1 part egg - 2 parts larvae - 4 parts older bees. This is the most sustainable ratio that needs to be maintained in a bee colony. Therefore, if any of these ratios are imbalanced, the honeybee colony will try to reproduce to regain biological balance.

A basic honeybee colony must have all the generations of worker bees and the generations of eggs and bee larvae

Harvesting honey during which season?

Honey harvesting season in Vietnam typically lasts from February to October, and the resting season for honeybees to regain strength is from November to January. However, the harvesting season may vary depending on different regions and individual beekeeping farms.

It is not recommended to harvest honey during the early stages of production as it will contain a lot of water, lack essential nutrients, and the quality will not be high. The ideal time to harvest honey is when it is fully ripened and the honeycomb cells are capped. This type of honey is the most aromatic and flavorful, ensuring nutritional value and a thick, delicious texture, suitable for long-term storage.

Trusted sources to buy natural honey

Currently, there are many honey businesses on the market offering various types of honey, such as coffee blossom honey, mint blossom honey, longan blossom honey, jujube blossom honey, and acacia blossom honey. However, not all of them sell forest honey or high-quality natural honey at reasonable prices.

Address to buy the most reputable and high-quality natural honey

Moreover, honey is a high-value commodity and easy to sell, which has attracted unscrupulous individuals to produce fake honey, diluted honey, or honey mixed with harmful chemicals that can be detrimental to consumers' health, even leading to cancer.

Therefore, choosing a reputable source to buy natural honey is crucial to ensure that you purchase genuine, high-quality honey at reasonable prices and guarantee its safety for your health. If you are unsure where to buy pure honey, IVY HONEY is the number one choice for you.


The above are our insights into the Non-GMO index in honey production. We hope that this information has been helpful for you to apply effectively in your work and gain knowledge to choose and buy high-quality honey. Additionally, please note that IVY HONEY is a reputable business offering high-quality honey products, providing you with complete peace of mind when using their products. Therefore, when you need to buy natural honey, do not hesitate to consider IVY HONEY.


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